1. Rasullah s.a.w bersabda: “Aku minta dibukakan pintu syurga, maka bertanyalah penjaganya, “Siapa anda?” Jawabku, “Muhammad”’ lalu dia berkata, “Sesungguhnya aku diamanahkan supaya tidak membukakan (pintu syurga) untuk seseorang pun sebelum anda”. (sahih R.Ahmad & Muslim) 2. Rasullah s.a.w bersabda: “Tanda iman adalah mencintai (para sahabat) Ansar dan tanda kemunafikan adalah membenci (para sahabat) Ansar”. (Sahih R.Ahmad, Bukhari & Muslim) 3. Rasullah s.a.w bersabda: “Ada tiga tanda orang munafik: (a) apabila berbicara ia dusta, (b) apabila ia berjanji ia mungkar, (c) apabila dipercayai ia berkhianat”. (shaih R.Bukhari,Muslim & Tirmidzi) 4. Rasullah s.a.w bersabda: “Datanglah ladangmu (isterimu) sebagaimana engkau suka, berilah dia makan apabila engkau makan, berilah pakaian apabila engkau berpakaian, jangan engkau menghinanya atau memukulnya”. (Hasan, R.Abu Dawud) 5. Rasullah s.a.w bersabda: “Datangilah undangan apabila kamu diundang”. (Sahih R.Muslim) 6. Rasullah s.a.w bersabda: “Sentiasalah kamu menggunakan minyak zaitun, sesungguhnya ia keluar dari kayu yang diberkati”. (Sahih R.Ibnu Majah,Hakim & Baihaqi)



The Japanese love fish. The fish must be very fresh to please the Japanese palate. For several decades, the fish stock in Japanese waters was steadily decreasing. So, fishing boats had to go further out to sea to fish. Naturally, it took longer to bring the fish back. The fishermen had to use bigger fishing boats to store more fish in order to make the trips worthwhile. If the return trip took more than a few days, the fish would not be as fresh. So freezers were installed in the fishing boats to enable fishermen to freeze the fish at sea. But the Japanese consumers were picky; they could taste the difference between fresh fish and frozen fish. As a result the market price for frozen fish was lower than that for fresh fish. Fishing companies made less profit from selling frozen fish, and therefore they could not pay fishermen good prices for their catch. Instead of accepting the situation as it was, the fishermen thought of a way to solve the problem. They installed fish tanks in their boats so they could stall freshly-caught fish. To make their trips worthwhile, the fishermen stayed longer at sea to get as many fish as possible into the tanks before they went back to shore. The tanks were so full that there was little room for the fish to swim. So the fish stopped moving during the return trip. They were alive but dull and tired by the time they reached the markets. However the Japanese consumers could still taste the difference between fresh, lively fish and dull fish, resulting in the dull fish fetching a lower price than fresh, lively fish. Again, instead of surrendering to the negative situation, the Japanese fishing companies thought of another way to keep the fish fresh. They told the Japanese fishermen to put a small shark in each tank. The shark would eat a few fish whenever it was hungry. The other fish in the tank would swim hard to escape from the shark. So in the end, the fish would arrive at the markets fresh.

Ahad, 11 Mei 2008

Bawang Putih Bawang Merah

Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih

Once upon a time there lived a widow and her two daughters. She loved the younger daughter who was her own child and hated the elder one who was her stepdaughter.

The two stepsisters were as different as day was from night. The elder had skin that was as pink as a newborn babe’s while the younger had skin that was as pale as ivory. So, it was no surprise to everyone in the village that the elder girl was called Bawang Merah which means Red Onion, while the younger was called Bawang Putih which means White Onion.

Being a stepdaughter, Bawang Merah had to work all day to keep the house clean. She also had to cook the meals, wash the clothes, work in the padi fields and wait hand and foot on her stepmother and stepsister. But no matter how hard she worked, they always managed to find fault with her.

“The floor is not clean enough!”

“There’s a speck of dust on the table!”

“The food is too salty!”

“The soup is too hot!”

“The soup is not enough!” they screamed at her all day long.

Sometimes, they both beat her and pinched her without mercy.

Poor Bawang Merah! There was nothing she could do. There was no one should could turn to. Her own mother was dead and so was her father. She could only weep as she peeled the red onions each day and she could only cry softly to herself each night as she curled up on the hard, kitchen floor.

Every morning, when her stepmother and stepsister got up from their soft, comfortable beds, they would start on her all over again.

Bawang Merah did not know a moment’s peace except when she went down to the river to wash the clothes. She sighed as she put her basket of clothes on a stone beside the swift-flowing river.

‘Washing is hard work. It makes me hands rough and red, but I don’t mind. It is only time of day when I can be alone by myself!’ she thought.

Her stepmother and stepsister never came down to the river for they did not want to get their beautiful clothes and shoes wet.

Bawang Merah smiled to herself as she took a dress from the basket and started washing it. Soon, she was so busy washing and thinking her own thoughts that she did not even notice the basket as it slipped and fell into the river. She did not even notice being swept away by the swift current.

By the time Bawang Merah looked up, it was too late. The basket had drifted out of sight!

Bawang Merah jumped up in alarm.

“Oh dear! Oh dear!” she cried as she wrung her hands in despair. “My basket is gone! So are the clothes! What shall I do? What shall I do? I daren’t go home without the basket of clothes!”

In a great panic, she ran along the river bank to look for it.

“Makcik….Makcik!” she called out to a young woman washing her feet in the cool, clear water. “Did you see a basket floating down the river?”

The young woman shook her head. “No, I was too busy washing my feet.”

Bawang Merah blinked away her tears as she ran further downstream.

“Datuk…Datuk!” she called out to an old man who was bringing his buffaloes down to the river to drink. “Did you see a basket floating down the river?”

The old man shook his head. “No, I was too busy watching my buffaloes.”

Bawang Merah wiped away her tears as she ran further downstream.

She ran on and on until she was too tired to take another step. Soon, huge drops of glistering tears rolled down her cheeks.

“What’s the matter, my dear? Why are you crying?” asked a kind and gentle voice.

Bawang Merah looked up. Towering over her was a giantess.

“Do not be afraid, my dear,” soothed the giantess. “I am Mak Sungai, Mother of the River Spirits.”

She looked so kind and her voice was so gentle that Bawang Merah’s fears soon vanished.

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