The Japanese love fish. The fish must be very fresh to please the Japanese palate. For several decades, the fish stock in Japanese waters was steadily decreasing. So, fishing boats had to go further out to sea to fish. Naturally, it took longer to bring the fish back. The fishermen had to use bigger fishing boats to store more fish in order to make the trips worthwhile. If the return trip took more than a few days, the fish would not be as fresh. So freezers were installed in the fishing boats to enable fishermen to freeze the fish at sea. But the Japanese consumers were picky; they could taste the difference between fresh fish and frozen fish. As a result the market price for frozen fish was lower than that for fresh fish. Fishing companies made less profit from selling frozen fish, and therefore they could not pay fishermen good prices for their catch. Instead of accepting the situation as it was, the fishermen thought of a way to solve the problem. They installed fish tanks in their boats so they could stall freshly-caught fish. To make their trips worthwhile, the fishermen stayed longer at sea to get as many fish as possible into the tanks before they went back to shore. The tanks were so full that there was little room for the fish to swim. So the fish stopped moving during the return trip. They were alive but dull and tired by the time they reached the markets. However the Japanese consumers could still taste the difference between fresh, lively fish and dull fish, resulting in the dull fish fetching a lower price than fresh, lively fish. Again, instead of surrendering to the negative situation, the Japanese fishing companies thought of another way to keep the fish fresh. They told the Japanese fishermen to put a small shark in each tank. The shark would eat a few fish whenever it was hungry. The other fish in the tank would swim hard to escape from the shark. So in the end, the fish would arrive at the markets fresh.
Rabu, 9 Julai 2008
Cahaya Kebenaran
Ahad, 22 Jun 2008
Lagi payment dari advercash
Dorang kotakan janji. Sebagai member, aku diberi privilege untuk payment. Tak la lambat sgt.
Dorang concern dengan masalah referrals yang pasif. So kalau korang beli referrals dan referrals ni tak aktif dalam certain time dorang akan discard refs ini dang anti yang baru. Tapi dengan syarat korang beli insurans utk refs. Tak mahal just USD2.50 lebih kurang MYR 7.50
Harapan aku agar advercash akan terus bertahan dalam persaingan PTC ni.
Withdraw cash from alertpay
Pastu dekat amount to transfer taip amount kita nak convert. Cth disini aku nak convert USD20
Then klik next

So ikut di sini utk USD 20 kita akan dapat MYR 63.48. Rate ni boleh kita semak dengan klik butang manage di akaun overview. So kalau puas hati dengan rate hari ini dan jumlah yang kita leh dapat kita klik jer button confirm tu. Dah success, then lepas tu baru lah leh kita transfer MYR63.48 tu ke akaun maybank. Kita back ke akaun overview dah lihat hasilnya dulu seperti di bawah.

Harap dapat membantu. Tq.
Sabtu, 7 Jun 2008
Elaun Pegawai Kerajaan Dipotong - Di Manakah Keadilan
Aku mendapat sms dari kawan di jabatan audit negara mengatakan elaun pegawai kerajaan yang gaji cukup makan ni akan dipotong supaya wang itu disalurkan kepada rakyat yang memerlukan.
Tolonglah fikir dengan bijak sebelum buat keputusan. Kalau tak pandai minta nasihat orang yang arif lagi pandai.
Jumaat, 6 Jun 2008
FuelSaver2u - Jimat Duit Jimat Minyak
Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera;
Produk HEBAT yang di cari-cari oleh SEMUA orang!Lebih Kilometer, Lebih Jimat RM,Lebih Kuasa Vroom!Lebih PENDAPATAN!! Mau??
Dengan Pembelian Penjimat Minyak RM 50,Anda akan jimat minyak sebanyak RM 322.00danmampu menjana pendapatan Sampingan sehingga RM 23,500.00untuk setiap botol Penjimat Minyak yang anda beli cuma RM50.00!
Untuk maklumat lanjut;
Klik di sini
Demonstrasi Harga Minyak di Jitra
Ramai yang berasa marah dengan keadaan ini, malah ada kawan yang begitu marah melihat pak lah telah mencampakkan televisyen sewaktu muka pak lah keluar di kaca tv. Dan di tanah merah jitra semalam, t-shirt yang tertulis selamat tinggal umno telah laris dijual. Umumnya boleh dikatakan semua rakyat tidak setuju lagi dengan kerajaan, cuma media utusan, tv3 dan menteri-menteri bodek yang masih mengampu pak lah. Dan dia masih terlena seolah-olah ia masih disukai rakyat.
Ada juga terdengar suara kekesalan kerana mengundi bn pada PRU yang lepas. Mereka berdendam untuk meranapkan umno pada PRU akan datang. Nampaknya kata-kata Dato Seri Sanusi Junid bahawa UMNO akan pupus tahun 2013 mungkin benar-benar berlaku. Hanya lebih kurang 4 tahun dari sekarang.
Khamis, 5 Jun 2008
Matahari Naik dari Barat di Planet Marikh
Then, for the next two months, Mars will reverse its course in the heavens and will move backward against the star background - toward the west - almost as if it had lost something. Then, on Dec. 10, it will pause again, before resuming its normal eastward movement.
Puzzling the ancients
All the planets exhibit this "retrograde motion" at one time or another. But for the longest time, the ancient astronomers were unable to come up with a satisfactory explanation for it.
For one thing, while behaving in this strange manner, Mars will also appear to deviate somewhat from its normal course; the retrograde motion will appear to bring it a little below its regular orbital track. In other words, for those of us watching from Earth, Mars will appear to travel in a loop.
Berita lanjut lawat http://www.space.com/spacewatch/050923_mars_retrograde.html
Rabu, 4 Jun 2008
Harga Minyak Petrol Naik dan Naik Lagi
Cakap la apa sahaja sama ada kita tidak puas hati, marah atau sedikit sangat yang menyokong kenaikan ini, perkara akan tetap berlaku. Kita rakyat jelata tidak dapat tidak terpaksa akur dengan keputusan kerajaan yang kita pilih ini. Mungkin ada yang ingin berdemonstrasi tetapi ia sukar untuk mengubah keputusan dari ya kepada tidak.
Bagi mengekang kemarahan rakyat, kerajaan mengumumkan pemberian rebet sebanyak RM625 bagi kenderaan 2000 cc kebawah dan RM150 bagi motosikal berkapasiti 250cc ke bawah. Kerajaan sekarang juga telah membuat keputusan tambahan yang baru iaitu bagi setiap liter minyak subsidi diberikan ialah 30 sen. Misalnya sekarang harga minyak pasaran ialah RM3 seliter maka dengan subsidi 30 sen maka rakyat perlu membayar RM 2.70 seliter. Bagaimanapun jika harga pasaran naik kepada RM4 seliter maka rakyat akan membayar RM 3.70 seliter. Begitu juga jika harga minyak global turun.
Bagi aku sudah tentu aku tak setuju kerana aku terpaksa berbelanja lebih. Sekarang bagi setiap bulan aku belanja RM300 untuk petrol. Dengan jumlah itu, aku dapat lebih kurang 156 liter. Inilah jumlah purata aku guna petrol sebulan. Dengan harga baru ini, untuk dapatkan 156 liter ini aku kena belanja RM 421, penambahan sebanyak RM121. Jika harga minyak naik sudah tentu harga barang keperluan naik. Macam sekarang aku habis RM 2100 sebulan atas belanja keperluan. Andaikan dengan kenaikan minyak baru ini, barang keperluan bertambah sebanyak 10 peratus maka aku kena belanja 1.1 x 2100 = RM2310. Aku kena tambah RM 210 + RM 121 = RM 331. Persoalannya mana aku nak cari RM331 setiap bulan. Aku makan gaji, gaji naik setahun sekali sebanyak RM 80. Kalau aku kurangkan belanja atau gubah gaya hidup, dekat mana aku nak kurang atau ubah. Aku akan dapat rebet RM625 setahun. Road tax kereta aku setahun cuma RM 40 lebih. So lepas tolak RM 625-RM40 baki tinggal RM 585 bahagi 12 bulan = RM 48.75 sebulan lebih kurang. Sedangkan kenaikan bulanan aku dijangka RM 331. Aku jarang makan udang galah, makan kat luar. Pakaian aku 4 5 bulan baru aku beli sehelai dua, tu pun harga tak lebih RM30 kerana kekangan duit. Aku tak pernah naik kereta honda atau kereta import yang lain. Yang ada cuma iswara 1.3 aku beli second hand tahun 1999. Jadi mungkin maksud kerajaan ubah gaya hidup ialah dengan aku naik bas saja pergi beli barang keperluan. Makan ikan kembong, seminggu sekali beli ayam. Beli baju jika baju yang ada dah ketat atau rosak. Macam tu kot. Makan sehari dua kali sahaja. Tengahari dan malam. Aku mungkin tak kisah sebab dah dewasa tapi macamana dengan anak aku yang kecil lagi. Kenapa graduan ijazah macam aku ni nasib lebih kurang orang kerja kat estet saja. Dimana kebajikan dan keselesaan yang aku dapat dari kerajaan sebagai graduan.
Pening kepala jugak bila fikir bab duit ni. Mungkin dalam modul Islam Hadhari perlu ditekankan mengenai zuhud bagi banyak sikit. Biar kita pakai baju bertampal2 macam syaidina umar, biar kita makan kurma jarang2 makan benda dimasak atas api macam rasullah. Mungkin dengan cara tu kita tak kisah sangat pasal duit ni. Kita berkorban dan dikorbankan, tapi pemimpin macam mana pulak. Adakah mereka kekal dengan naik kereta mewah isi petrol percuma sahaja. Atau mungkin bolehkah mereka bersama-sama berkorban sedikit kesenangan yang mereka dapat untuk menunjukkan simpati mereka kepada rakyat. Di sini kita boleh nampak makna keikhlasan tu, tak payah tunggu masa kempen pilihanraya. Ikhlas ni tetap nampak umpama semut hitam di atas batu hitam dalam malam yang gelap pekat. Ia akan tetap kelihatan.
Mungkin kerajaan ada ideanya tersendiri. Harap2 mereka tak lupakan kita.
Selasa, 3 Jun 2008
Kerja Sambilan - Beta Game Tester dan Dibayar
Bila dah habis sampai ending kita akan rasa kepuasaan dan bangga seolah-olah kita lah hero dalam game tu yang berjaya habiskan mision.
Sekarang aku dah berhenti dari semua tu. Cuma tinggal kenangan saja.
Sekarang ni kepada gamers yang tengah dok naik sheikh ada satu peluang untuk kauorang. Ada lubang untuk buat duit sambil main game. Tapi bukan game yang korang beli kat pasaran. Biar aku cerita kat bawah.
Kau orang tahu bila kita main game terutama jenis RPG dan adventure ataupun action nie,kita akan selalu akan cari chaet code atau guide cerita. Bila kita guna cheat code game yang ok akan tidak ada masalah. Tapi aku percaya melalui pengalaman aku ada game yang bila kita guna cheat code ia akan hang dan sebagainya. Kita panggil masalah ni bug. Ada macam-macam lagi bug ni.
So sekiranya syarikat game ni invest berjuta dolar untuk satu game tiba-tiba masuk pasaran ada masalah sudah tentu mereka akan rugi besar. Dan kita sebagai pembeli sudah tentu akan bgtau kawan-kawan kita yang game ni ada masalah, sangkut, ada bug. Ini menyebabkan game tu tak laku terus. Sedangkan untuk hasilkan satu game, syarikat ini guna modal yang besar dari research, programming, test, manpower, marketing, production semua la. Dan yang paling penting reputasi diorang la. Sekiranya ada masalah lepas ni syarikat tu punya nama akan terjejas dan sebarang game baru yang depa keluarkan mungkin susah nak jalan.
Jadi untuk itu mereka perlukan gamers untuk running test game baru mereka sekiranya ada bug mereka masih diperingkat awal dan sempat betulkan dulu sebelum keluar ke pasaran. Orang akan tanya kenapa tak guna programmer saja dari guna orang awam macam kita. Ok programmer pun sebenarnya tak akan dapat kesan semua bug. Game ni hanya gamers saja yang tahu masalahnya kerana macam aku kata tadi games jenis adventure atau RPG panjang missionnya. Kadang2 berbelas-belas level. Jadi mungkin bug tu wujud di setengah-setengah mision saja. Pengalaman aku ada terjumpa bila kita guna cheat code memang boleh main game tapi bila kita nak jump contohnya dia akan terus hang dan sebagainya. Aku rasa gamers yang baca ni mesti pernah alami masalah macam ni dan faham. Tambahan pulak kalau progammer leh detect bug sudah tentu tak akan ada game yang ada masalah atau bug sperti yang pernah kita jumpa di pasaran.
So syarikat game yang besar-besar ni perlukan gamers dari merata dunia untuk test game diorang. Diorang peruntukkan sebahagian budget untuk bayar kita bila main game ni. Banyak atau sikit bergantung kepada budget diorang. Selalunya syarikat besar budget diorang besar.
Masalahnya sekarang kalau betul ada macamana nak apply untuk test game ni. Inilah rahsia besar yang dikongsi oleh mamat ni. Selain nak cari syarikat yang nak gamers, kita juga mesti tahu cara nak apply dan sebagainya. Ini tak ada secara umum di internet. Kita kena korek cari, kena tipu dulu, habis berjam-jam sebelum jumpa.
Jadi mamat ni dah lalui semua yang aku sebut dia atas tadi dan dah lalu perit jerih semua tu. So dia sudi nak kongsi rahsia tu dengan gamers diseluruh dunia. Tapi bukan free. Macam aku gak kalau aku dapat la rahsia yang susah nak cari mungkin aku tak bagitau orang. Habis-habis sangat kalau nak bagitau pun tak habis aku bagitau atau aku suruh bayar sikit la. Ni la yang mamat ni buat.
So kalau korang nak main game baru sambil dibayar oleh syarikat-syarikat besar ni daftar dengan mamat ni kemudian bayar servis kat dia. Pastu kauorang tak akan buang masa bila main game baru. Main game duit masuk akaun. Layan........
Harga Minyak Mungkin Naik Lagi
Zarina An Julie Seksi
Zarina An Julie pendatang baru dalam dunia lakonan kecil di Malaysia telah melakukan sesuatu yang memalukan dirinya, keluarganya dan industri hiburan negara kita yang terkenal dengan jolokan negara Islam.
Beliau beranggapan pakaian itu dipakai bertujuan untuk mengambil gambar kenang-kenangan namun adalah amat tidak sesuai dan berdosa jika dikhalayak ramai.
Apapun alasan murahannya tidak dapat diterima oleh akal logik orang ramai. Tindakan beliau ini akan mungkin menyebabkan peluangnya untuk maju dalam industri hiburan semakin mengecil kerana hiburan bermodalkan penonton. Sekiranya penonton benci akan pelakon tersebut maka sudah tentu lakonannya walaupun jika sangat baik (tak mungkin) akan dipandang sepi tambahan dalam masyarakat kita yang terkenal dengan sikap perangai hasad dengki ini.
Isnin, 2 Jun 2008
Watchdirect.tv Saingan Astro
Ahad, 1 Jun 2008
Income Tambahan Dengan Paid to Click Program
Ahad, 25 Mei 2008
Rid Tobak Herba Berhenti Merokok
Pelihara Ikan Dalam Tangki oleh AAZ Marketing
Rabu, 21 Mei 2008
Winners and Losers
The Winner is always part of the answer.
The Loser is always part of the problem.
The Winner always has a program.
The Loser always has an excuse.
The Winner says, “Let me do it for you”.
The Loser says, “That is not my job.”
The Winner sees an answer for every problem.
The Loser sees a problem for every answer.
The Winner says, “it may be difficult but it is possible”.
The Loser says, “it may be possible but it is too difficult.”
When a Winner makes a mistake, he says, “I was wrong”.
When a Loser makes a mistake, he says, “It wasn’t my fault.”
A Winners makes commitments.
A Loser makes promises.
Winners have dreams.
Losers have schemes.
Winners say, “I must do something”.
Losers say, “Something must be done.”
Winners are a part of the team”.
Losers are apart from the team.
Winners see the gain.
Losers see the pain.
Winners see possibilities.
Losers see problems.
Winners believe in win-win.
Losers believe for them to win someone has to lose.
Winners see the potential.
Losers see the past.
Winners are like a thermostat.
Losers are like thermometers.
Winners choose what they say.
Losers say what they choose.
Winners use hard arguments but soft words.
Losers use soft arguments but hard words.
Winners stand firm on values but compromise on petty things.=
Losers stand firm on petty things but compromise on values.
Winners follow the philosophy of empathy: “Don’t do to others what you would not want them to do to you”.
Losers follow the philosophy, “Do it to others before they do it to you.”
Winners make it happen.
Losers let it happen.
Buat Duit Mudah dengan DiWaris
UMNO- Keluarnya Tun Dr Mahathir
Beliau sememangnya terkenal dengan tindakan yang berani dan diluar jangkaan kita. Kalau kita renung sejenak semasa pemerintahan beliau banyak tindakan yang diambil dan sesetengahnya dianggap gila oleh orang ramai. Antaranya ialah Proton, lebuhraya, jambatan pulau pinang, menyatukan zon waktu semenanjung dan Sabah serta Sarawak,buy British last, mengutuk Australia sebagai banduan, memecat hakim-hakim besar, UMNO diharamkan, peristiwa Memali, peristiwa Prebet Adam, krisis matawang dan banyak lagi. Akan tetapi tindakan berani beliau ini akhirnya mendatangkan banyak manfaat kepada negara pada jangka panjang.
Mengenai tindakan terbaru ini yang dikatakan mengugut Pak Lah maka adalah sesuatu yang telah biasa dilakukan beliau dari dulu lagi. Cuma aku tak tau apa manfaatnya pada melayu khususnya.
Adakah ini tindakan bijak atau emosi semata-mata. Dendam kerana banyak projeknya dibatalkan Pak Lah dan kerana kelemahan ketara Pak Lah dalam mengurus dan memajukan negara Malaysia membuatkan beliau merasakan Pak Lah perlu dibuangkan segera.
Persoalan ini tidak akan dapat mendapat jawapan yang tepat kerana hanya beliau sahaja yang tahu apa rahsia disebalik tindakan itu.
Apapun aku mengharap melayu ni janganlah berpanjang-panjangan berbalah. Bersatulah kita walaupun kita ni dikatakan bangsa yang mundur. Bersatu Teguh, Bercerai Kita Roboh.
Selasa, 20 Mei 2008
Ternak ikan keli dalam tangki
Selepas dengar penerangannya serba sedikit aku mula tertarik dengan bisnes ni. Mungkin aku ni lambat tahu kerana dah lama orang pelihara ikan dalam tangki ni. Tapi macamana pun aku nak juga cuba.
Aku cadang nak pelihara ikan keli. Sekarang tengah kumpul maklumat tetang kos, cara pelihara dan pemasaran.
Setelah aku kira2 secara kasar kena ada RM2 ribu untuk mula secara kecil2an. Aku mungkin boleh cari duit sebanyak tu tapi masalah sekarang aku tak leh nak buat sendiri kerana aku menyewa di kuarters guru. Mana ada ruang, tambah2 tingkat 3 ni. Jadi setelah bincang dengan ayah aku dia setuju la nak tolong jaga ikan aku.
Untung 50-50. Tak pa aku tak kisah lagipun ayah sendiri. Yang penting sekarang aku nak bagi berjaya. Cuma aku nak maklumat lengkap kalau boleh tentang:
1. Kos tangki, kos pam air, kos makanan sehingga hasil, kos anak benih.
2. Jumlah ikan bagi satu tangki berapa boleh muat.
3. Berapa harga tolak ikan keli dalam tangki sekarang ni.
Jadi siap2 yang tahu dan sudi kongsi maklumat bolehlah email atau respon kat blog aku ni.
Rabu, 14 Mei 2008
Mencari Sesuap Nasi
Askum pembaca budiman...
Last2 baru aku tahu kenapa cina ni nak jual raket tu. Rupa2nya dah ada retak sikit dekat T raket tu. Aku tak perasan. Sedihnya Tuhan je yang tahu.
Aku sekarang ada la buat part time. Join smart patnership. Invest duit cukup bulan ambil untung. Tak tahu la ok ke tak. Harap2 boleh jalan sampai habis. Kat internet pun aku ada invest juga. Dan dok masuk bulan2. Tak banyak tapi aku kumpul dalam satu akaun tak usik. Bila dah kumpul banyak gak la.
Ahad, 11 Mei 2008
Bawang Putih Bawang Merah - Final Part
“Mak Sungai, Mother of the River Spirits, did you see a basket floating down the river?” Bawang Merah asked politely.
“Is it the basket over there?” asked Mak Sungai, pointing to a basket beside a clump of bushes. She had pulled it out from the river only a few minutes ago.
Bawang Merah gasped. It was indeed her basket for clothes.
“Oh, Mak Sungai! How can I thank you for finding my basket of clothes?”
“Well, I have been so busy that I’ve not had time to do my own housework. You can help me if you like!”
“Oh, I would love to, Mak Sungai. It’s the least I can do to show you how grateful I am!”
Mak Sungai smiled as she opened a secret door in the river and led Bawang Merah down to her house.
Bawang Merah rolled up her sleeves and set to work scrubbing the floor until it shone. She cleaned the windows and dusted the tables until not a speck of dust remained. She cleaned the kitchen and polished the posts and pans until they sparkled.
After three days, Mak Sungai said, “It is time for you to go home, Bawang Merah. I am very pleased with your work. Before you go, you must choose a present for yourself!”
She took Bawang Merah to a room filled with parcels of all shapes, sizes and colours. Some of the parcels were wrapped in rich, fine batik, some in gaily-coloured paper while others were wrapped in banana leaves.
“Choose any parcel you like, my dear!” urged Mak Sungai.
Bawang Merah looked at all the parcels in the room. She did not know which present to choose for herself. She had never had a present before in all her life.
At first, she hesitated and then, because she was not greedy by nature, she chose a small parcel wrapped in banana leaves.
“This present will be enough for me, Mak Sungai. Thank you very much!” she said breathlessly as she hugged her gift.
Mak Sungai smiled. “You have made a wise choice, Bawang Merah,” she commented as she led her back to the river bank.
When Bawang Merah reached home, her stepmother and stepsister were astonished to see her. They thought she had drowned in the swift-flowing river!
They had to do their own housework for three days and they had not enjoyed a minute of it! How glad they were to have Bawang Merah back!
Now they could dress in their beautiful clothes and visit their neighbours or just around the house again while Bawang Merah washed and cooked and cleaned for them.
But although her stepmother and stepsister were glad to have Bawang Merah back at home, they did not show it. Instead, they scolded her and shrieked at her all over again.
“You lazy girl! How dare you stay away for so long!”
“You ungrateful girl! How dare you leave us to do your housework!
“Who do you think you are?”
They only stopped screaming when Bawang Merah told them everything that happened to her during the past three days.
Then she showed them the present she had chosen for herself.
“What a fool you are to choose such a small present!” snapped her mother.
“Well, don’t stand there like an idiot! Open it! I’m sure there’s nothing in that box except a handful of gold rice!” sneered Bawang Putih.
Bawang Merah unwrapped her present. She lifted the lid of the box and then gasped with surprise.
The box was filled with precious stone that sparkled and glittered in the sunlight!
Bawang Putih stared at the sparkling jewels in envy. They would look lovely against her lily-white hands and her pale soft throat.
“I’m going to Mak Sungai’s house tomorrow morning,” resolved Bawang Putih. “I’m sure I can get an even bigger box of jewels for myself!”
So, the next morning, Bawang Putih set off for the river with the basket of clothes. She threw the basket into the swift-flowing river and watched it drift out of sight.
Then she set off downstream, pretending to look for it.
At last, she came upon Mak Sungai, Mother of the River Spirits.
“Have you seen my basket of clothes?” she asked boldly.
“Mak Sungai looked at her sharply. “Is that your basket?” she asked.
“Yes, of course it is!”
“Take it, then.”
“But I would like to work for you first!”
“All right! Come along!” agreed Mak Sungai reluctantly as she led Bawang Putih down to her house.
Now, Bawang Putih had no intention of doing any work for Mak Sungai. She was much too lazy and she did not like the idea of soiling her soft, lily-white hands.
She pretended to dust the table and sweep the floor but after a while, she threw down the broom and went in the search of Mak Sungai.
“I’ve finished my work!” she lied. “I want to go home now. I’m tired! Where’s my present?” she asked rudely.
“Come with me,” answered Mak Sungai grimly as she led Bawang Putih to a room filled with parcels of all shapes, sizes and colours.
Some of the parcels were wrapped in rich, fine batik, some in gaily-coloured paper, while others were wrapped in banana leaves.
“Choose any parcels you like,” Mak Sungai told Bawang Putih.
Bawang Putih’s eyes gleamed with greed as she entered the room. She examined the parcels carefully and lifted them to find out how heavy there were.
At long last, she chose the largest and heaviest parcel that she could find in the room. She even made sure it was wrapped in the finest batik she could find!
Then, without a single word of thanks, she followed Mak Sungai back to the river bank and hurried home as fast as she could.
“Let’s open it! Let’s open it!” she urged impatiently.
Both mother and daughter trembled with excitement as they tore at the batik wrapping. But what a shock they both had when they lifted the lid of the box!
Instead of precious stone, the box was filled with poisonous toads and fearsome scorpions!
Bawang Putih and her mother screamed as the toads hopped out of the box. They screamed as the scorpions crawled out with their tails quivering in the air. They screamed even louder as the toads and scorpions came after them.
Both mother and daughter ran out of the hut, down the road and out of the village with the toads and the scorpions at their heels. They ran and ran unitl they were tiny little specks on the horizon.
The people in the village never saw them again. Neither did Bawang Merah.
She lived by herself and was very happy for there was no one to scold her or beat her or pinch her. She told sold a few of her precious stones to buy herself shoes and beautiful clothes.
Not long after, Bawang Merah married a good, kind and hardworking young man from the village and they both lived happily ever after.
Bawang Putih Bawang Merah
Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih
Once upon a time there lived a widow and her two daughters. She loved the younger daughter who was her own child and hated the elder one who was her stepdaughter.
The two stepsisters were as different as day was from night. The elder had skin that was as pink as a newborn babe’s while the younger had skin that was as pale as ivory. So, it was no surprise to everyone in the village that the elder girl was called Bawang Merah which means Red Onion, while the younger was called Bawang Putih which means White Onion.
Being a stepdaughter, Bawang Merah had to work all day to keep the house clean. She also had to cook the meals, wash the clothes, work in the padi fields and wait hand and foot on her stepmother and stepsister. But no matter how hard she worked, they always managed to find fault with her.
“The floor is not clean enough!”
“There’s a speck of dust on the table!”
“The food is too salty!”
“The soup is too hot!”
“The soup is not enough!” they screamed at her all day long.
Sometimes, they both beat her and pinched her without mercy.
Poor Bawang Merah! There was nothing she could do. There was no one should could turn to. Her own mother was dead and so was her father. She could only weep as she peeled the red onions each day and she could only cry softly to herself each night as she curled up on the hard, kitchen floor.
Every morning, when her stepmother and stepsister got up from their soft, comfortable beds, they would start on her all over again.
Bawang Merah did not know a moment’s peace except when she went down to the river to wash the clothes. She sighed as she put her basket of clothes on a stone beside the swift-flowing river.
‘Washing is hard work. It makes me hands rough and red, but I don’t mind. It is only time of day when I can be alone by myself!’ she thought.
Her stepmother and stepsister never came down to the river for they did not want to get their beautiful clothes and shoes wet.
Bawang Merah smiled to herself as she took a dress from the basket and started washing it. Soon, she was so busy washing and thinking her own thoughts that she did not even notice the basket as it slipped and fell into the river. She did not even notice being swept away by the swift current.
By the time Bawang Merah looked up, it was too late. The basket had drifted out of sight!
Bawang Merah jumped up in alarm.
“Oh dear! Oh dear!” she cried as she wrung her hands in despair. “My basket is gone! So are the clothes! What shall I do? What shall I do? I daren’t go home without the basket of clothes!”
In a great panic, she ran along the river bank to look for it.
“Makcik….Makcik!” she called out to a young woman washing her feet in the cool, clear water. “Did you see a basket floating down the river?”
The young woman shook her head. “No, I was too busy washing my feet.”
Bawang Merah blinked away her tears as she ran further downstream.
“Datuk…Datuk!” she called out to an old man who was bringing his buffaloes down to the river to drink. “Did you see a basket floating down the river?”
The old man shook his head. “No, I was too busy watching my buffaloes.”
Bawang Merah wiped away her tears as she ran further downstream.
She ran on and on until she was too tired to take another step. Soon, huge drops of glistering tears rolled down her cheeks.
“What’s the matter, my dear? Why are you crying?” asked a kind and gentle voice.
Bawang Merah looked up. Towering over her was a giantess.
“Do not be afraid, my dear,” soothed the giantess. “I am Mak Sungai, Mother of the River Spirits.”
She looked so kind and her voice was so gentle that Bawang Merah’s fears soon vanished.